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California Fair Plan Wildfire Hardening Discounts.

The California Fair Plan has introduced two new discounts, if you qualify, you can complete the form and email the completed form to steve [at] kingshillins [dot] com. If you qualify and we submit the form, there will be an inspection to verify eligibility and the discounts would be removed if the inspection reveals the property does not qualify. Below are the qualifications for both discounts, you can qualify for one or both discounts.

For the Wildfire Hardening – Protecting the Structure Discount, the property must meet all
of the following qualifications:

• The dwelling must have a Class-A Fire Rated Roof (meaning composition shingle,
stone, concrete or clay tile, or metal)
• 6 inches at the bottom of all exterior walls must be made of non-combustible material
• Vents must be ember and fire resistant (wire mesh covering)
• Windows must be double paned
• Eaves must be enclosed

For the Wildfire Hardening – Protecting the Immediate Surroundings Discount, the property must meet all of the following qualifications:
• Vegetation and debris must be cleared from under decks
• There must be an ember resistant zone maintained within five feet of the home
• There must be no combustible sheds or outbuildings within 30 feet of the dwelling
• Defensible space must be maintained including trimming trees, clearing of brush, and
removing debris from yard (including trimming trees, removal of brush and debris
from yard, in compliance with California Public Resources Code 4291).

Download the discount form below and email to steve [at] kingshillins [dot] com
